Dog in Hydrotherapy

The Benefits of Canine Hydrotherapy

If you’ve heard about how hydrotherapy can help humans, don’t overlook it as a therapeutic intervention for your pooch.

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Dogs Christmas Caroling

A Doggie Christmas Carol – Marking Up My Wiener Wonderland

A doggie Christmas carol – ♪ Dog tags ring, are you listenin’? ♪ In the lane, snow is glistenin’ ♪ It’s yellow, not white, ♪ l’ve been there tonight, ♪ Marking up my wiener wonderland.

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Akita Dog

My Adopted Dog: A True Compliment For My Life

Here is the story of my rescued dog Sammy and how we have become inseparable. To me, he is a priceless companion I cannot imagine living without.

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Old Dog's Request

An Old Dog’s Request

Yes, I am loyal to you to the very end, please be as loyal to me. Love me until the very end for I am a gift. With each wag of my tail, I say thank you.

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Dog Agility Course

Dog Agility Training – Fun For Dogs and Their Owners

Agility is a fun thing you can do with your dog so training for it should be a lot of fun, too. Keep this in mind and your dog will have a blast.

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Two Pugs

The Pug – From Chinese Emperors to Best In Show

Over the ages, the Pug has been called by many names – Lo-Chiang-Sze, the Lion Dog, Foo, and others.

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Yorkshire Terrier with Open Mouth

Is A Dog’s Mouth Really Cleaner Than A Human’s?

Have you ever had your face washed by a happy dog, and told yourself that it’s ok, because his mouth is cleaner than a human’s? You’ve believed that for, like, dog years, but is it really true?

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Dog Chewing Rawhide Bone

Are Rawhide Chews Safe For Your Dog?

Have you heard that it might be dangerous to let your dog chew on rawhide bones and sticks, and wondered if it might be true?

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Jordan the Dog

River Rescue – Saving Jordan the Dog

After receiving a call from L.A. On Cloud 9, the people from Hope for Paws set out to rescue this horribly abused little dog that they named Jordan.

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Policeman Frisks Biker Dog

The biker dog gang is in town, and they’ve been up to no good. The fire hydrants are not safe, and neither are your girl-dogs.

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Erick and his dog Gumbo

Service Dog Helps Soldier With PTSD

Erick Scott knows first-hand what it’s like to suffer from PTSD. Watch how his service dog, Gumbo, reacts when he becomes agitated.

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Old Sarge’s Last Ride

Our relationships with our four-legged furry ones, whether we call them animals, pets, or family, are so very special.

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A Puppy In A Box

The reactions of these two kids, when they notice the puppy in the box, is just precious!

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Three Fat Puppies

Fat Belly Puppies

These three little fat-belly puppies are just about as cute as they come!

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Tucker and Leelu

Leelu – From Puppy Mill to Foster Care to Loving Home

A sweet story about “Leelu”, who lived a harsh life as a breeder in a puppy mill, but ended up in a loving home.

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