Dog Health

Dog Flu

What You Need to Know About the Dog Flu

The dog flu can be very draining and stressful. It’s not pleasant for your pet and unfortunately, it’s been making the rounds lately. Here’s what you should know about the dog flu.

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Dog in Hydrotherapy

The Benefits of Canine Hydrotherapy

If you’ve heard about how hydrotherapy can help humans, don’t overlook it as a therapeutic intervention for your pooch.

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Dog Chewing Rawhide Bone

Are Rawhide Chews Safe For Your Dog?

Have you heard that it might be dangerous to let your dog chew on rawhide bones and sticks, and wondered if it might be true?

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Vegan Diet for Dogs

A Vegan Diet for Your Dog?

Most of us see dogs as carnivorous, and the idea that a dog may survive and actually thrive eating a vegan diet seems like a silly notion.

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At the Vet's Office

The Timeline Of A Puppy’s Vaccinations

Having a hard time keeping up with all of your puppy’s shots? This article will let you know when to get them all done.

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Dog visiting the vet

The Importance Of Annual Blood Tests For Your Dog

Many dog owners are under the impression that annual blood tests are not really necessary if their dog is in good health and shows no signs of impending illness

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A Mummified Dog

Cancer in Dogs – The Man Made Killer

The first cases of canine cancer weren’t related until post WW2. What changed? What flicked the cancer interrupter to the “on” position?

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Dogs and Rattlers

Dogs in the Country – Combating the Threat of Rattlesnakes

Where we vacation, much of the wild is at our paws. Birds, fish, turtles, wild boars, and a variety of insects inhabit the area, but the number one concern for me as a dog owner is snakes.

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Dogs Immune System

Boosting Your Dog’s Immune System

More dog health issues than you can imagine are linked to immune deficiencies. In this article I’m going to explain HOW to boost your dog’s immune system (IS).

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The Skyrunner

Becca and her dog Sky run several miles together each day. Becca has tips for you on getting started running with YOUR dog.

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Yeast Problems in Dogs

Systemic Yeast: The TRUE Cause of the Never Ending Allergy

Are you at the end of your rope with your dog’s itching, foul odor, ear infections? Has your vet diagnosed him or her with allergies, but no treatment seems to help?

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Dog Allergies

Allergies in Dogs, an Immune Deficiency

Allergies in dogs are a symptom of a lowered immune system. Treating the allergy symptoms won’t cure the underlying cause.

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Doggy with Fleas

The Dangers of Flea and Tick Products for Dogs

There is growing evidence that some of the ingredients commonly found in flea and tick products could be very harmful to your dog.

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Pink Nose in Dogs

Snow Nose. Why Is My Dog’s Nose Turning Pink?

While Snow Nose is usually just a temporary loss of pigment, it can become permanent in older dogs.

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Digestive Problems in Dogs

Doggie Digestive Problems

Although many pets do well on one feeding daily, the dog is a species at risk for torsion, an often fatal, always dangerous digestive problem that occurs principally in deep-chested animals.

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