The Timeline Of A Puppy’s Vaccinations

At the Vet's Office

Puppies are more prone to illness and disease than older dogs, which is why it’s a good idea for puppies to receive vaccinations. There are certain vaccinations available for your dog that can help keep them from catching a common illness or disease, and as a responsible dog owner, it’s important you have your dog vaccinated and have the tags on your dog’s collar.

Some of these vaccines require different rounds that need to be done at different times, and this can make you feel as if you’re constantly bringing your new puppy to the vet for shots. Instead of assuming your vet is taking advantage of you or becoming confused over which round of which vaccine your dog just received, use the following timeline to help you understand your puppy’s vaccinations.

6 to 8 Weeks

Your dog will likely not start receiving their first set of vaccinations until around 6 to 8 weeks of age. This allows their body and immune systems to start functioning properly in order to accommodate the vaccine.

At this age, your dog will typically receive the distemper, measles, and parainfluenza vaccines. These vaccines will help protect your dog against serious illnesses. If you want your dog to have the Bordatella vaccine, which is a good idea if your dog spends time in doggy daycare or is constantly around other dogs.

10 to 12 Weeks

Around this time, your dog will typically receive the DHPP vaccine, which helps protect against parainfluenza, distemper, hepatitis, and parvo. This vaccine is a combination of all these vaccines, and it will require another round in a few weeks.

At this time, you can also opt for your dog to receive the Bordatella vaccine, Lyme disease vaccinecoronavirus vaccine, and leptospirosis vaccine.

12 to 24 Weeks

Once your dog has reached this age, you will want to give them their rabies vaccine. Rabies is a serious disease without a cure, and it’s a good idea to give this vaccine to your dog to protect them from contracting it.

14 to 16 Weeks

Healthy PupYour dog will need to receive the second round of their DHPP vaccine at this time. Also, if you have yet to give them the coronavirus vaccine, leptospirosis vaccine or Lyme disease vaccine, you can do so now.

12 to 16 Months

Around the one-year mark, your dog will be due for their DHPP vaccine and another rabies shot. These are both considered core vaccinations and are something your dog should have on an annual basis. You may also want to talk with your vet to see if these vaccines are available in longer dosages, such as three-year vaccines, which can help protect your dog for a longer period of time.

1 to 3 Years

As mentioned above, your dog will need to receive the DHPP and rabies vaccine every one to three years. It’s always best to talk with your vet to see how often they feel it’s necessary, and you should also take state law into consideration. Most states (or local governments) have laws stating how often a dog needs to receive a rabies vaccine, which is meant to protect the people and animals of the town. If you have not followed this law, you could face a fine or even loss of your pet.

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  1. Pingback: 4 Safety Tips For Your New Puppy - Boston Terrier Owners

  2. Reply

    Its great to know such a helpful info. I am the owner of my 2 pet dogs. I am gonna to use vaccinations as per the weeks you specified here….Thanks…

    • Marlene
    • May 27, 2015

    WOW just what I was looking for. Came here by searching for vaccinating your dog

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