Does Your Dog Need To Be Put On A Diet?

Some pet owners assume that their dog will stop eating once he gets full. But just like humans, all dogs – puppies, adult dogs and senior dogs – are prone to overeating. One reason is that eating triggers an emotional high with dogs the same way it does in people.

Dog on a Diet

You might not even notice it at first – especially if your dog is still a puppy. People think that puppies are supposed to be round, cuddly balls of fur. But if you compare your puppies’ sizes, you’ll see that some of them weigh more than they should.

You want to take care of that early in your dog’s life while he’s still a puppy to prevent health complications for him in the future.

Adult dogs will start to slow down just a little from their younger years. They’re not as active, so it’s easier for them to gain weight. Their nutritional needs have changed and they don’t need as many calories as they once did, yet some owners continue to feed them the same amount of food.

Senior dogs gain weight the easiest because when they get old, their joints don’t work as well. They have aches and pains and they just don’t enjoy the high intensity running and jumping and playing that they once did.

Steps to Take to Get the Weight Off

When you notice that your dog has put on weight, you need to take steps to get that weight off. It will help your dog feel better and live longer if he maintains a healthy body weight.

Dog Eating from Bowl

Making sure that you feed your dog the correct portion size is important for helping him lose weight. If you have a puppy, make sure that you’re feeding him puppy food in portion controlled sizes because his nutritional needs are higher than an adult or senior dog’s.

It will help your dog feel better and live longer if he maintains a healthy body weight. Share on X

You can find the correct portion size by following the guidelines on the food or by talking to your veterinarian. With an adult or senior dog, it may be that he’s getting too many treats in addition to his dog food.


If he’s eating portion controlled amounts of his food but is still overweight, then you need to cut down on his treats and watch his snacking. But don’t eliminate his treats altogether.

My vet once gave me a sample of dog treats that were about a quarter inch in diameter. She explained that the dog doesn’t really care about the size, they just want…something.

Puppy Wants a Treat!

When determining what your dog’s calorie needs are, you have to factor in his current weight based on what his weight should be. But you also have to figure in how active he is and his age before you choose the right diet for him.

If you’re doing all of the things you can to help your dog lose weight and it’s still not working, then you might want to try changing dog food to one that’s low calorie or visit your vet for advice.

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